De Memoires, de invloeden van de maan
- De expositie laat ziem: dewereld van vruchtbaarheid, eb en vloed en het water, angsten en depressies die door de zwaartekract van de maan beinvloed zijn enz. Kunstenaars zijn geinspireerd door Jheronimus Bosch "De Tuin Der Lusten".
- 4 september 2016 tot en met 16 oktober 2016
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Lovers Spit (Version 2)
2016This painting is called 'Lovers Spit V2.0'. We see two figures engaged in an intimate situation. A sliver of saliva connects both figures. The warm red increases the sensual scene representing the intimate process of love, deep emotions and not to forget, absolute trust

2016According to Jewish folklore Lilith was Adam's first wife. She was created at the same time and from the same dirt as Adam. Because of that, Lilith claims to be equal to Adam and refuses to become subservient to him. In later elaborations of the legend Lilith is increasingly vilified. Something that often happens to people claiming their equal rights. More and more she becomes an incarnation of lust, leading men astray, a child-killing witch and so on. In my opinion however there is more danger in the conforming Eve than Lilith. This painting is a playful depiction of this
Grang De Paul ArtHandelskade 14
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- 13:00 tot 17.00
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