Sinds 2015 weer woonachtig in Den Haag. Deze schilderijen zijn hier een resultaat van.
uit 2015 tot 2016
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When Cities Could Feel

Lovers Spit (Version 2)
2016This painting is called 'Lovers Spit V2.0'. We see two figures engaged in an intimate situation. A sliver of saliva connects both figures. The warm red increases the sensual scene representing the intimate process of love, deep emotions and not to forget, absolute trust

2016The beheading of Holofernes by Judith (narrated in the Book of Judith), has been the subject of many paintings. In this painting I tried to depict Judith, not as violent but more as almost disconcerted. A couragous person that stood up to tyranny but at the same time is aware of what it has forced her to do. The background with its contrasting colours, swirls and splashes of paint is used to represent the intensity and gruesomeness of the act

2016According to Jewish folklore Lilith was Adam's first wife. She was created at the same time and from the same dirt as Adam. Because of that, Lilith claims to be equal to Adam and refuses to become subservient to him. In later elaborations of the legend Lilith is increasingly vilified. Something that often happens to people claiming their equal rights. More and more she becomes an incarnation of lust, leading men astray, a child-killing witch and so on. In my opinion however there is more danger in the conforming Eve than Lilith. This painting is a playful depiction of this

Tears 01

Untitled 28 x 19 003

Still Untitled

Minotaur (S)

Wandering the Earth

Tears 02

Still Untitled 08


Untitled 06

Aphrodite On Acid (XL)
2015Just like in the myth my Aphrodite (Ourania) is born out of 'sea foam'. Be it a bit more of a cosmic sea. She generates energy, facilitates change and growth and has always been present in creative work

Ploy (Gothic)
2015Starting point for this work was a portrait of Ploy. However during the process the painting started to lead its own life and she ended up more gothic than in fact she is

Tanya (from memory)
2016A portrait of a wonderful person, made in retrospective from memories. For me it's people like her that radiate such a positive creative energy that it ignites a strong urge to paint.

Minotaur (XL)
2015A fascination with the Romantics has always held a keen interest with me on numerous levels. Especially its notion of the 'Sublime' with its unsettling and almost disturbing power. In this painting a Minotaur and a female figure dominate the picture. I do realize the Minotaur can have several meanings. In Homer I believe he was the judge of souls, in Dante’s Divine Comedy he symbolizes the ‘matta bestialitade’, the blind violence. Also he can be seen as a metaphor for death and therefor as a symbol for non-being. However, what fascinates me the most is the idea that the Minotaur - being result from a liaison of Pasiphaë and a bull – symbolizes a coincidentia oppositorum. A meeting of opposites. Therefor the Minotaur embodies both creature and human, rational and irrational, feminine and masculine, destiny and fate, good and evil

Talk To Me Salome (XL)
2015As you can deduce from the title this painting is inspired by the story of Salome. To be more specific it’s inspired by the play Salome, written by Oscar Wilde. However, the rough treatment of the paint and the posture of Salome take the depiction away from the eroticism seen in many paintings dealing with this subject

Lovers (XL)
2015As mentioned in the description of the painting 'Minotaur', a fascination with the Romantics always held a keen interest with me. Especially its notion of the 'Sublime' with its unsettling power. This painting is called 'Lovers (XL)'. We see two figures engaged in a intimate situation. One seems to be more submissive, while the other touches the inside of her mouth she holds on to him/her. The whole scene seems to represent the intimate process where love, deep emotions, pain and suffering, and not to forget, complete trust, transforms both lovers and leads them to higher stages of personal growth where they find themselves fully awakened by the process of being reborn.

A Midnight Affair (XL)

Untitled 07

Red Moon

Aphrodite on Acid (S)

Untitled 05

Untitled 04

Untitled 03

Untitled 02

Untitled 01

Rendezvous with a Cyclops

Holding the Moon